Have you ever found a random dime or penny in your path? Did you know it’s another sign from Heaven? Coins are a way for crossed over loved ones to let us know we’re valued. Pennies represent new beginnings and ideas and to remain positive in those beginnings because our thoughts influence our reality. Dimes represent that our ideas are being validated. If you’ve been dreaming up or pursuing something new, a random dime is encouragement that you’re on the right path!
Yesterday morning, on the eve of Mother’s Day, I was tidying up my living room and thinking deeply about my beautiful mom in Heaven. She had such a bright smile, infectious laugh, and sweet heart. As I smiled at a memory of us (while simultaneously cleaning the top of my TV stand) I peered into a plant arrangement and saw a shiny dime staring back at me! Where could this dime have come from? It’s not like me to place random coins in our home decor. I instantly connected the dots and said out loud “I love and miss you mom.” As I turned to move a Live plant closer in from the edge, a drop of water fell onto the top of my left hand. Now, if seeing a dime in a fake plant was surprising, having a drop of water fall from a plant I had not watered in weeks was absolutely shocking! I even looked up at the ceiling to see if we had a leak. Again, divine guidance kicked in and I knew it was my mom sending a tear from Heaven to let me know she loves and misses me, too.